It’s here! The report for the inaugural club 10m TT! A lovely event, nice quiet roads, nice weather, and our first EVER club TT route WUCT1/10, what more could we ask for!

Starting off, Jack was the first rider of the evening. Using George’s wahoo for direction, he absolutely flew round the course, sub 28min, an amazing time for a first ever 10m TT! We’d also like to congratulate Jack on his recent engagement! We wish the happy couple all the best!

Next off, Josh tucking into his extensions put an impressive shift in. Josh fans out there, don’t worry, there was all the show boating. It was a spectacle to see, however if he stopped flexing he might have gotten 2 extra seconds…..
Albert was up next. In line with recent events, having another moment near the start. No no, not a grass verge or concrete curb, just following directions. Coming back to the start, certain his Garmin was sending him the wrong way - surprise, the Garmin was correct. Despite the false start, an impressive sub-25 time secured 2nd on the day.

With Albert out the way, Ben was next. Flexing the new bike and colour-coordinated aero jersey, Ben was there to prove a point whilst looking stylish as usual. I can report he did prove a point, with a 2 second margin ahead of Josh securing 3rd on the day.

Charlie followed afterwards, some speculation at the finish line as to the accuracy of the Strava file, however still posting a great time, and finishing with a smile, and a nice photo or two.

Louis was next, and he was there for glory. I’ve never seen a No-Pinz suit so white, and a rider so fast. It will come as no surprise that the bookies knew Louis would win too, so no money won there sadly. Securing 1st on the day with a minute back to Albert is one way to secure the club champ jersey!

Finally, George was up. He was definitely on brand, however an off-day in the saddle, and of course a healthy dose of excuses. Going slower than the 10m TT where he slid out at a round-about, insider info states that presidential resignation was close.
Again, massive congrats to Louis on his impressive victory, the TT champ jersey will be with you soon! Shoutout to Emma for taking some photos at the side of the road at 7pm.
Although there are lots of unanswered questions, where would the social secs finish? Would Tasha have asserted dominance? Can Dan turn up on the right day? Would the medics silence us all? I look forward to getting the answers at the termly TTs next year!